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Friday, August 23, 2013

My Farm Stand is Back in the Upright Position!

I have the stand  back up covering the empty tables and a few of my Saturday Supplies.  The more I look at the pictures the more dirt I see.  That isn't really a bad thing since all I'm criticizing is the dirt.  This place looks better every year!  I embrace the growth and change and recognition of my own "Acres of Diamonds".  I will keep "looking" at that ground until I can see the thing that will make it be much prettier without too much upkeep.

Emerald Aisle Farm still has a lot of green in it even though the summer sun has turned much of the grass brown.  The weeds here on the farm are quite tall but the flowers are taller!

In this picture you can see a couple of the patches on the top.  There are six patches in all.  You can see the vase with flowers on the stool.  That vase was still in the upright position even though the farm stand was not.  Nature is amazing sometimes.  I found stakes that will work to hold this thing down for a while.  The holes in the feet of this "pop-up" are too small for good spikes, so I was forced to search through the junk I keep from other projects and found what I needed.  

Here's three patches!

Beautiful cherry tomatoes.  These plants haven't sold so I will be putting them in the ground somewhere fairly soon.  I learned a lot with these but need to cut my losses.  I laugh when I say that because I'm stubborn and have yet to learn to let go before there are losses.  Every day I turn my stubborn streak toward perseverance.  I spend more time thinking and looking at my "stuff" and considering the word "organization" and what that really means.  I also spend more time attracting people with positive attitudes and reasonable solutions and realizing that overly critical people are telling me they couldn't do what I'm trying to do and that they would be scared to death to try.  They would even be scared to think that somebody thought they might want to try something that might be messy, leave a mess, or look awkward.  I live in abundance and daily release my "poverty mindedness".  I am grateful for all that I have including the size of my tummy!  Good food abounds!

Larry is 13 years old.  He is still a mighty hunter!

Boston Butt Buttercup and Cutlet Myrtle are enjoying their breakfast.  Some day I will have a pig trough that pigs don't demolish.  My California sister added the extra names.  I explained that I need to name my food, food names.  I am not a vegetarian but I still having feelings about eating animals because I am an animal lover.  I cannot pretend that the way most animals are raised for food in the corporate world is okay.  I accept full responsibility for being aware of where hamburger, bacon, ham, & chicken legs come from.  I don't always have the cash to raise pigs or beef but I do have the property.  Sometimes I raise other people's food for them while they pay for the feed.  

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