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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Body Butters and Pig Pens

I've had such a full day that I just want to kick back with my feet up but it's days like this that are meant for blogging.

The pigs are extremely happy with an addition to their personal emerald aisle. I opened up a bit with a patch of grass two feet tall.

The chickens were not thrilled with the pen I opened up for them.  They continue to remind me of how low they are on the food chain and why.  I had to toss a few through the window this morning, but when I went back only one little rooster was out in the yard.  His head bobbed in cautious curiosity but not one sign of eagerness.

When it got too hot to weed any more I went in the house and made a couple of body butters and a lotion.  The lotion is extremely stiff so I've got a lot of kinks to work out of it but the cocoa butter smells divine.   

I melted cocoa butter into an ice cube tray and will have sample size cocoa butter for sale by Saturday morning.   It lends itself to my ever growing sample sized collection of oils and butters.

I want to make at least two batches of soap before I head toward South Carolina.  I'm going to visit with my youngest son Kelly, his wife Nancy, and three of my granddaughters, Patty, Katie & Amelie.

I plan to remember to take pictures of my stand this weekend.  Who knows when I'll sit down with this machine and upload them.

I started my Emerald Aisle catalog last night.  It has come to my attention that it would make a lot of my display easier.

John grilled the trout we caught yesterday after noon for dinner tonight!  YUM... see my blog if you are interested in my expression of appreciation for the dinners my husband prepares!  

I love my Saturday Farm Stand!  I have met a new person each Saturday and enjoyed every minute of it!