Contact Us:

Phone: 253-857-2657

Our phone is a land line. It is not in our pocket.

Contact Information

Ways to contact me:

My land line phone: 253-857-2657
My main E-mail address:
Secondary E-mail:

You can read a few reviews of my soap at my Etsy shop.

Why do you want to contact me?

1. Because you need a real good batch of soap with a little extra something in it. 

2. Because you are getting married and you want a unique guest souvenir.   I can make individual bars of soap in sample sizes with your wedding information on the label.

3. Because you have a Bed & Breakfast and want to provide your guests with a unique and healthy soap in a sample size completed by a label with your business information on it.

A batch of soap takes about three weeks to cure.  I'll need a week to obtain the ingredients, if I don't already have them.  Your order would ship in about four weeks.  Longer if we have to snail mail the label ideas to each other.
These are more than just artisan made soaps.  They are farm made using excellent oils.  Most of them are conditioning soaps.  All of them are scented but they don't have to be.

This luxurious soap comes with an inspirational message on the inside of each wrapped label and on the back of the soap for all with stick on labels.  Your message could be on the inside of the label.

Sliced Very Thin 

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