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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Emerald Aisle Farm is still in business

Here at Emerald Aisle Farm where I live in a homesteader's dream with a lot of reality thrown in, I am in the midst of a huge life transition.  The farm plugs on and I plug on but my husband has had a heart attack.  By the look of things this happened possibly two years ago and he never even knew it.  He has lost much energy with one heart valve completely blocked and another mostly blocked.  His body has already created a mighty freeway to get past the blocked one.  Alcohol plays a huge role in his health and his behavior throughout his life.  I have leaped into a 12 step program by the name of al-anon.  I knew I belonged there after hearing the first speaker.  I have been detaching with love for a few years now and was ready for the validation.  The bonus that I did not expect was that I am encouraged toward self care.  Do a jig twice and then do it on the ceiling with a lot of laughter is about the only way I can describe how ready I was for this.  This story will be continued below the picture.
Going to Al-Anon is about me because I am the only person I can change.   What makes a person actually go to a meeting?  Pain is why Al-anon exists.   Wanting to change that pain is what makes you go to a meeting.  As a teenager from a dysfunctional home, Al-Anon could have changed my life.  However, I didn't know about it and I didn't go.  I made all of my biggest life changes in the most natural way and most of them stabbed me to the core.  When I sit down at that Al-Anon table, I know all of those people have experienced the same kind of pain I have experienced.  I know that we are all there because we want to get better.  You will not learn how to change your alcoholic.  You can learn how to maintain serenity as you allow yourself to experience the mountains your choices lead you to climb.

So now that I am bringing my awareness back to myself and my future I can assure you that I am not losing the farm.  It is a great deal of my therapy. I have a survivors's pension from my late husband and am no stranger to getting by on very little.  At this time I cannot plan a schedule for my farm stand.  My farm is getting more attention from me than it has ever since I started the farm stand so it is looking better and better and providing more and more abundance.  I hope to load my car with produce and products and find a corner to sell it from whenever the crops, soap, candles and/or the other creations of my fertile brain come to light.

If you are a customer looking for a product you can always e-mail me at  If you feel that your message may not have gotten to me try but be sure to let me know you are a customer.  If you are looking for special order of soap, it takes 3 weeks to cure and it might take me at least a week to get the supplies.