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Monday, March 25, 2013

Renaissance Room

I was a widow for nearly two years.  I asked my Dad to give me away even though in this picture I am 49 years old.

He danced for me down by the pond.  He called it Stylin' and Profilin'.  He is 6'5" and in that tux with tails I was totally entranced!  The bouquets were made especially for me with a great deal of love by my friend, Hwa Cha.  They were awesome!

I said anyone who wanted to be could be a flower girl.  I still don't know how many I had but I hear stories...

Two of the flower girls are my granddaughters!

I had flower girls of nearly all ages!

My Dad and Me.

My ladies, the ring bearer and the groom!  His men are on the other side of the tree.
The best Flower Boy ever!

A few of the guests.

The rustic benches are covered in white plastic.  Flowers were planted in pots in advance.  Hog fuel was purchased for the ground.  The deck chairs were brought down for anyone over 90.   My dad drove his van as a shuttle for people who had trouble walking to the back of my 10 acres.   This is the Renaissance Room.

And he kisses the bride!

Lacey caught the bouquet!

And back up in the yard we were gabbing instead of posing!
The Renaissance Room today.  My sister was married here over 20 years ago.  Since then, Mark & Franny were married here.  I was married here to my second husband in 2008.  The wedding  pictures are from 2008.  

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