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Monday, March 25, 2013

Still damp!

So far we've hatched 3 chicks this morning.  The eggs marked 2 are peeping but the shells are so hard that these chicks might not hatch. I'm trying for Leghorn crossed with Banty, Light Brahma and even Sumatran.   I want something quick and tough enough to get away from the coyote!

As far as I can tell, I only had two Banty hens lefts as of yesterday! The pile of feathers and the coyote sighting on the trail cam suggest the end of the rooster.  He was a brave soul.  I boxed with him almost daily.  I suspect he went at the coyote the same as he always did to me.

1 comment:

  1. The chicks were doing well. One of the two remaining hens hatched three chicks and duck egg. The other hen changed her mind about setting as she watched the dozen chicks and a duck in front of her. She abandoned two eggs and adopted the live chicks. A few days later she was killed by marauders inside the chicken house. They (it) came in through the window. Whatever it was left one hen with one chick and duck and 8 of the original 12 and the other duck. So all is not lost. I now have the window closed. I will be using some of the money from the selective logging to make a better fortress for my chickens!
