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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Rosemary Wreath

My rosemary isn't old enough to make a wreath with but a friend brought me an armful so I fashioned this wreath to hang in my kitchen.

Floral wire is relatively inexpensive and can be found on-line, or at craft stores.  When I see it on sale, I usually buy at least three rolls of it.

With a pile of rosemary, a pair of clippers, floral wire, and two hands, you can make this wreath in about 20 minutes.

I cut the rosemary as I was doing the twisting so that I could choose exactly what I wanted as I needed it, but you can precut it and then wind it into a wreath.  I left the end of the wire long but I did wrap it and twist so that it wouldn't fly off.  Then I wound around and around adding rosemary of equal thicknesses as I went.

I will probably leave my wreath plain because it suits me to use bits of it in my cooking, but as it dries and the wire seems a bit baggy, I might tuck a sprig of sage, thyme, or maybe even chamomile.  If you don't need it to be an edible wreath, you could tuck a dried flower here and there under the wire.

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