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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Today is a great day but...

I came here to update my blog only to find that I can't show you any pictures from this computer.  The frustrations with my laptop are not driving me crazy but close.  I hot wire it every day and then I hook up a USB keyboard so that I might type using all the letters and numbers available to me.  Today  neither keyboard works.:-(  I will play doctor on it later.

What made today such a great day that I am willing to blog even if I don't have pictures and have to sit next to a hot wood stove in the basement?  Several things.

First I did not have to set up my farm stand outside.  I just unlocked the door to the travel trailer and turned the lights on.

Next I had time to finish working on the labels to my farm made cologne and the bagged catnip.

One pair of customers shared a lot of new and innovative information with me and I hope to learn about YELP tonight after I make my laptop work!

A new customer came by and I was able to share my idea of a string of farm stands on or very near Pine Road.  It would be very cool if customers could do a "Farm Hop" and visit several cottage industries all within a few miles of each other on the same day.   She makes interesting creations too and she lives way off the road too!

And when my husband came home he brought my signs in off the road!  Awesome.

Sigh of pleasure and contentment.

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