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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

We finally had to call an Electrician

So, a few weeks ago, the hall light stopped working and since I'm the one that installed the track light in the first place, I didn't think too much about it and I did not have time to mess with it.  Then the bedroom light and two outlets quit working.  So I finally called Keith Thompson in Camas, Washington.  I called him because my brother recommended him knowing that we'd someone real patient besides being knowledgeable about electricity.

 Keith fixed the problem of the lights out.  He drew a math problem on a piece of paper explaining how many watts the circuit could handle.  Then he showed me how to add up the wattage of all the things plugged into this circuit.  Problem was the fish tank in the other room was plugged in with the TV, DVD player ETC.  Too big of a load.

He added another circuit for the fish tank and he replaced all of the outlets on the circuit.  If your plug falls out of the outlet, you need a new outlet.  Once he finished that he went on the next problem.  The list was very long as you will be able to see by the pictures below.  

He also helped my grandson frame and sheet rock a wall, add a circuit just for his room in the unfinished basement and hang a bedroom door.   But wait there's more.

He tidied up Medusa, followed all the loose wires from both ends, put the cover back on her, added new screws, and plugged the openings inside of her in a tidy, modern, and to code manner.

Helping the grandson make his own room.  (If you've read about the grandson, you can see that Matt is a full 150 lbs now! Yes, wiggle, squirm with happiness.  He's on Humera and it is working for him.)

Keith untangled the wiring in this room.  It was a mess.  He put all to code and added a bathroom fan in this man cave in the basement.  This was a crazy bit but he patiently drilled holes and pulled old wire away.  The yellow wire is new.

My house has never had exterior outlets.  It now has three.  The light on the left is turned on by a switch at the back porch and the lights on the right are attached to motion sensors.  A guest can now have a lighted journey back to their car.  No need to walk them out with a flashlight any more.

I had installed this string of lights a few years ago.  The wire was on the outside and there was an outlet at the end which worked only with the lights on.  Keith put the wire on the correct side of the wall, removed the outlet from the circuit, and installed a proper outlet below the lights.  He also add three more out door outlets to this building.  

This he did for fun.  He plugged the tunes into the outlet and the other cover is a light switch.  It turns on 3 lights at once.  They in turn each have switch so that they might be used one at a time.  This is out in the entertainment part of the planer shed.  He added a dimmer switch for the light over the table.

Reversed polarity found and fixed.  GFI added to kitchen.

New outlet for fish tanks.


A light at the bottom of a dark stairwell.

Dinner!  I smell DINNER.  You can see what my husband cooks on  Hungry.

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