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Monday, September 7, 2015

Nephew Bryan visits from Florida

Nephew Bryan on the left.  Grandson Matt on the right.  Bryan is visiting from Florida.  He says the cool weather feels good to him. We had an afternoon of family visiting and fun.  I set up a wood pile for entertainment.  Only one maul and one small hammer were broken.  Some of the wood was split.  Two young girls decided they would move into the summer kitchen when they are 18 so they started cleaning it right away.  A lot of spiders and cobwebs disappeared.  I suggested they have a sleep over first.  They want to become emancipated teenagers when they turn 13 in a couple of years and have bake sales to support themselves.  I asked them about the plumbing and they reminded me that I have a toilet seat that fits on a bucket.  The younger boys created Halloween decorations by hanging all my tow chains from the summer kitchen balcony.  They wanted a plastic skeleton but all I had was a feed sack and a machete.  As I walked through it this morning I read the word Boo! printed in marker on the back of the torn feed sack.  It made me laugh.  I love how much fun everybody had yesterday.  The youngest boy asked where the goose was that laid the golden eggs.  I swore him to secrecy and showed him the can of gold paint that I had used on the rocks.  My brother cooked burgers and corn on the cob while my brother in law cooked gumbo with chicken, shrimp, and gator.  Where do you find "gator" in Washington?  At Farmer George's in Port Orchard.

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